Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Post 1: Creation

How  did we get here? It has been a question passed down from generation to generation. Some say it has always been. Others believe in different scientific theories. But i believe that there is a higher power that created it.

Many think that the idea of a higher power is absurd, but I believe its the only possible way. Growing up I was raised in the church, and taught that our creater, God, was the one to make the entire universe. Now many might think as they read this that I just believe it because I have been conditioned to, but these are the thoughts of my own and not the ones I relay from a cult leader. I believe that in six days God created everything that is on earth, and on the seventh he rested.

Now there are people who will argue with me, and state that we had to evolve due to natural selection. And I believe in natural selection to a certain extent. Though I don't believe we started as bacteria or fish, I do believe that God gave us the ability to adapt to our environments, and over time there were slight changes. I can't argue that over generations a bird can change it's beak, but I don't agree that the bird will change into a different species.

Now feel free to disagree with me because that's the beauty of this world. Not one person truly knows why we are on this earth. Therefore not one person can be completely correct when they say how the earth and humanity came to be. For all we know we are in the Matrix! Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. I can definitely agree that their is a higher power that created this universe and everything in it single handedly, but I also believe that a higher power could have created the tools and conditions needed to scientifically create the universe (the big bang, for instance), and the people on it, and he gave humans the tools to be able to exist and continue life on the planet. But it's impossible to say, of course.
